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Youth Sexuality


Youth sexuality 10th iteration

Representative Repeat Survey: The Perspective of 14–25-year-olds

For the 10th time, BZgA's youth sexuality study is once again surveying more than 5,700 adolescents, their parents and young adults. The well-established representative survey has been providing current data on young people for 45 years.

Youth Sexuality 9th Iteration: Fact Sheets

Research Projects


Youth sexuality 10th iteration

Representative Repeat Survey: The Perspective of 14–25-year-olds

For the 10th time, BZgA's youth sexuality study is once again surveying more than 5,700 adolescents, their parents…
Picture with Lettering Youth Sexuality 9th Iteration

Youth Sexuality 9th Iteration

Representative Repeat Survey: The Perspective of 14–25-year-olds

In the summer of 2019 we started our ninth large-scale survey of young people, their parents and young adults. It…
Picture with Lettering Sexuality and Migration
This study takes a look at a special target group about which little academically verified data exists to date:…
Picture with Lettering Youth Sexuality 2015
The BZgA has been analysing the attitudes and behaviour of young people regarding sex education, sexuality and contraception since 1980. Youth…
During the period of 2006 and 2008 Sinus Sociovision conducted a representative study about the social environments…

Research Publications

Selected Results

Selected Results

‘Youth Sexuality’ 9th Iteration

Central results of the nationwide representative survey: first sexual intercourse later and later, condoms remain preferred contraceptive

The condom is the number one contraceptive for the "first time", while the use of the pill is declining. These are…
Selected Results

Youth sexuality 2015

They are sexually active and are good with contraception. These two factors characterize the 14–17 and 18–25-year-olds today. Cultural differences…
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