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Picture with Lettering women´s lives 4

women's lives 4 – family planning throughout life

Family planning among women aged 20 to 44 years

The project ‘frauen leben 4’ (women's lives 4) continues the research of ‘frauen leben 3’ (women's lives 3) in the German federal states of Baden-Württemberg, Berlin, Lower Saxony and Saxony. In 2012, the first comprehensive survey of women on family planning…

Research Projects

Picture with Lettering Young Adults with Impairments
How do young adults with impairments proceed with their family planning and how can their sexual health be supported and maintained? That is the…
Teaser: Sexuality among students

Sexuality among Students in the Internet Age

Sexual and social relationships among 19–25-year-old male and female students

The sexual and relationship behaviour of young, academically educated men and women is the focal point of the current study. Commissioned by the BZgA,…
Picture with Lettering women´s lives 3
As part of its series of studies about women’s and men’s family planning, the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) has commissioned, as another…
Picture with Lettering women´s lives 2
18 % of the female population in Germany have a migrant background. More than one fifth of these women are aged between 20 and 44 and thus at an age…
To find out more about the subjective state of mind of pregnant women, their attitude and their desire for information and to be better able to tailor…
Picture with Lettering women´s lives 1
How do women shape and evaluate their lives today and what role does family planning play in their lives? These questions are the focus of this…

Research Publications

Picture of the Research Report
As part of its series of studies about women’s and men’s family planning, the Federal Centre for Health Education…
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