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Youth sexuality 10th iteration

Representative Repeat Survey: The Perspective of 14–25-year-olds

For the 10th time, BZgA's youth sexuality study is once again surveying more than 5,700 adolescents, their parents and young adults. The well-established representative survey has been providing current data on young people for 45 years.
Picture with lettering Contraceptive Behaviour 2024
In 2024, the series of studies on the contraceptive behaviour of the sexually active population in Germany will be…
Picture with Lettering women´s lives 4

women's lives 4 – family planning throughout life

Family planning among women aged 20 to 44 years

The project ‘frauen leben 4’ (women's lives 4) continues the research of ‘frauen leben 3’ (women's lives 3) in the…
Picture with Lettering Contraceptive Behaviour 2023
The representative repeat survey "Contraceptive Behaviour of Adults" was continued in May 2023 with a new survey of…
Schriftzug EMSA auf rotem Hintergrund
The first time, termination or menstruation are nowadays natural topics in social media – and they are much…
Teaser picture with Lettering Contracetion in Social Media
What about the quality of sexuality education information on social media platforms? Are experts involved in creating…
Schriftzug BeSPa auf rotem Hintergrund
The pilot study to examine the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the work of pregnancy advice centres and to systematically establish the changes to…
Picture with Lettering Rewiks Funding Period 2
The Long-term Success and Implementation of ReWiKs The second funding period of ReWiKs (Reflection, Knowledge and Skills – Training Employees and…
Picture with Lettering Youth Sexuality 9th Iteration

Youth Sexuality 9th Iteration

Representative Repeat Survey: The Perspective of 14–25-year-olds

In the summer of 2019 we started our ninth large-scale survey of young people, their parents and young adults. It…
Picture with Lettering Contraceptive Behaviour
The Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA) has published some initial results of a representative survey of women and men about their…
Picture with Lettering Sexuality and Migration
This study takes a look at a special target group about which little academically verified data exists to date:…
Picture with Lettering Rewiks Funding Period 1
Project area Reflection Humboldt University of Berlin (until 8/2017 University of Koblenz-Landau) Prof. Dr. Sven Jennessen, Fellow Researchers:…
Picture with Lettering Youth Sexuality 2015
The BZgA has been analysing the attitudes and behaviour of young people regarding sex education, sexuality and contraception since 1980. Youth…
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