The goal of this survey is to obtain reliable data about the attitudes and behaviours of young people and their parents, as well as young adults in the Federal Republic of Germany regarding matters of sexuality and contraception. The focal topics will be sexuality education in schools and the home, first sexual experiences as well as knowledge and experiences regarding contraception.
What is special about this study
This study is special, firstly, because it enables a longitudinal comparison and this therefore capable of revealing long-term trend developments about attitudes and behaviours. Secondly, it puts a spotlight on the situation in the home, since by surveying both young people and their parents, connections can be made that would not be possible if the survey focused solely on young people.
In the last major survey in 2014/2015 18–25-year-olds were surveyed for the first time. By including young adults (here: without a parallel survey of their parents), there are also intersections with studies conducted among the adult population. Furthermore, international comparisons are made possible.
The full survey report will be published in autumn 2021.