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Cover of Brochure Young Adults with Impairments

Young Adults with Impairments

Select Results from a Survey in Saxony


The subjects of sexuality, contraception and partnership among persons with impairments have been major topics of concern within the German Federal…


The subjects of sexuality, contraception and partnership among persons with impairments have been major topics of concern within the German Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) since 2010. Developing and publishing materials on sexuality education as well as providing adequate information on sexuality education for specific target groups demands a basis of solid scientific data. Only few studies exist on sexuality education, contraception and partnership as well as bearing children and organizing leisure activities among young adults with impairments. For this reason, the German Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) commissioned the study “Family Planning and Young Adults with Impairments” in the state of Saxony.

At the center of attention of the study conducted from May 2013 to April 2014 in the state of Saxony were 152 young adults from 18 to 25 years of age with physical and sensory disabilities as well as chronic diseases. At the time, these young adults were participating in vocational education or were working in a facility for persons with disabilities in Saxony. Students with impairments were also queried concerning their lifestyle and family planning. With the help of a semistandardised survey we studied, among other things, the opportunities, obstacles and resources they had at their disposal to enter into relationships and live out their sexuality.

The influence of sexuality education in their parental home and school was also an object of our analysis.

This publication is an abridged version of the results, which reveal the various challenges facing these young adults with impairments with respect to sexuality and partnership. Our analysis provides numerous suggestions for professionals in the field as well as pointing out the need for further research. Thus, this study represents a contribution to the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to ensure the equal participation of persons with impairments.



Publication date

Sabine Wienholz
Anja Seidel
Marion Michel

With the cooperation of 
Monika Häßler-Sczepan
Christina Schiller

Translator: Joseph Smith, Nörten-Hardenberg

Issuing institution

The Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA)

How do young adults with impairments proceed with their family planning and how can their sexual health be supported and maintained? That is the…
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