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women’s lives 2 – Family Planning and Migration in women’s lives

The aim of this study is to gain an insight into the varying need for information and support in matters concerning family planning for selected migrant groups as well as to gain an insight into social and cultural influencing factors.

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Women with a migrant background make up 18 %, i.e. a significant proportion, of the female population of the Federal Republic of Germany (microcensus 2007). Around two fifths of these women are between the ages of 20 and 44, thus at an age at which family planning and the processes of starting a family are relevant. The Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA) has focused increasingly on the living conditions of this heterogeneous group, which is why it commissioned the study “women’s lives: family planning and migration in women’s lives”. The goal was to obtain knowledge about the different needs for information and support regarding matters of family planning among different migrant groups. The hope is that social and cultural backgrounds will be taken adequately into account in order to facilitate access to the migrant groups.

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Prof. Dr. Cornelia Helfferich
Heike Klindworth
Dr. Jan Kruse

Issuing institution

Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA)

18 % of the female population in Germany have a migrant background. More than one fifth of these women are aged between 20 and 44 and thus at an age…
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