The Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) has been collecting data on contraceptive behaviour in Germany since 2003. For the first time, the 2024 survey will also include adolescents under the age of 18. The sample will therefore consist of sexually active individuals aged 16 to 49. For the purposes of this study, 'sexually active' refers to (young) women and (young) men who, according to their own account, 'had been intimate with someone' in the past twelve months - this is the wording used in the questionnaire.
Another new feature of the 2024 iteration is the expansion of the survey methodology: as before, 1,000 telephone interviews will be conducted with female and male respondents aged 16 to 49. In addition, for the first time, a further 1,000 people will be interviewed using an online questionnaire.
Previous surveys were carried out in 2003, 2007, 2011, 2018 and 2023. For each new survey, the research design is reviewed and optimised as necessary. The same will be the case for the sixth representative survey.
Relevance of the research project
What contraceptive methods and techniques do sexually active young people and adults use? How do they find out about contraception? What are their preferred sources of information? What do respondents know about contraception?
The representative repeat survey provides continuous monitoring. It allows statements to be made on the development of attitudes towards contraception over time. On this evidence base, sexuality education, family planning and advice interventions can be developed or adapted.