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Cover scientific article sexualised violence in the experience of adolescents
Scientific Article

Sexualised Violence in the Experience of Adolescents

Results of a Representative Survey

Christiane Erkens, Sara Scharmanski and Angelika Hessling have analysed the results of the representative survey on "Youth Sexuality" 9th iteration regarding the prevalence of sexualised violence in adolescence. The results were first published in German in the Bundesgesundheitsblatt [Federal Health Bulletin].


Publication date

Christiane Erkens
Dr. Sara Scharmanski
Angelika Hessling

Issuing institution

Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA)


Youth Sexuality 9th Iteration

Representative Repeat Survey: The Perspective of 14–25-year-olds

In the summer of 2019 we started our ninth large-scale survey of young people, their parents and young adults. It…

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