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Cover of Fact Sheet Relationships
Fact Sheet


Youth Sexuality 9th Iteration

This fact sheet is an overview of how adolescents and young adults in Germany live their relationships and of how widespread relationships are among adolescents.


The Federal Centre for Health Education’s (BZgA) representative study Youth Sexuality 9th Iteration is a representative repeat survey. A large-scale survey of young people, their parents and young adults was launched for the ninth time in the summer of 2019. It follows on from predecessor studies conducted between 1980 and 2014. The goal of the study is to acquire reliable data about the attitudes and behaviours of young people in the Federal Republic of Germany with regards to sexuality and contraception.

This fact sheet is an overview of how adolescents and young adults in Germany live their relationships and of how widespread relationships are among adolescents. The subjects of contraception and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in relationships are also covered. There are no differences here between heterosexual and homosexual relationships.

Results: An Overview 

  1. Almost half of the young adults are in steady relationships.
  2. Two in three relationships have been in place for at least a year.
  3. Communication about contraception is open and taken for granted.
  4. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are addressed less often than contraception.
  5. It is usually the female partner who bears the responsibility for contraception.
  6. Fidelity in the relationship is usually a must.



Publication date

Dr. Sara Scharmanski
Angelika Hessling

Josephine Cordero Sapién, Exeter / England

Issuing institution

Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA)


Youth Sexuality 9th Iteration

Representative Repeat Survey: The Perspective of 14–25-year-olds

In the summer of 2019 we started our ninth large-scale survey of young people, their parents and young adults. It…

Selected Results

‘Youth Sexuality’ 9th Iteration

Central results of the nationwide representative survey: first sexual intercourse later and later, condoms remain preferred contraceptive

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