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Picture with Lettering Rewiks Funding Period 1
Pilot Project

Reflection, Knowledge, Skills – Qualification of staff and residents to expand sexual self-determination in adults with a disability living in residential institutions (ReWiKs)

11/2014 - 11/2018

Project area Reflection

Humboldt University of Berlin (until 8/2017 University of Koblenz-Landau) Prof. Dr. Sven Jennessen, Fellow Researchers:…

Project participants

Project management

Barbara Ortland

Team members

Dorothea Kusber-Merkens
Leonie Reichert
Anneke Arlabosse


Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA)

Target group / Sample

Staff and residents in integration-assistance institutions

  • Various samples of staff in integration-assistance institutions
  • Various samples of residents in these institutions
  • Supervisors and participants in projects focused on this subject matter

Methodology / Research design

Area: Reflection

  • Development of guidelines based on theory and research
  • Discussion and evaluation of the guidelines with experts and residents in integration-assistance institutions
  • Development of indicators and key questions
  • Discussion and evaluation of the manual with experts and residents in integration-assistance institutions

Area: Knowledge

  • Research of the literature and internet discussing the sexual self-determination of people with a disability and further training topics and materials for staff and for adults with a disability
  • A theory and research-based creation of a curriculum as well as its further development and the differentiation of its content in a participative discussion process that includes people with a disability as experts on matters relating to themselves
  • Development of curriculum-based training modules in integration assistance for staff in residential facilities
  • Discussion of the training modules with staff working in the in-service training sector
  • Testing and evaluating the materials

Area: Skills

  • Research of the literature and internet into projects focusing on this topic and associated areas
  • Qualitative interviews with the project management and participants Creation and evaluation of action
  • guidelines to implement the project
  • Participative testing in the field

Project area Reflection

Humboldt University of Berlin (until 8/2017 University of Koblenz-Landau) Prof. Dr. Sven Jennessen, Fellow Researchers: Rahel Schowalter, Jenny Trübe

Focus: Development of reflection materials in heavy language for staff and in light language for residents.

Reflection manual in difficult language (ReMaxS)

The basis of the Reflection Manual is the already developed guidelines for successful sexual self-determination in institutions of integration assistance.

Based on a collection of topics, which was developed in cooperation with an already existing cross-institutional working group on the topic areas of "sexuality and disability", questions of reflection in the areas of attitudes, structures and practices were formulated for each guideline.

In order to make the work with the instrument clear for institutions, the reflection questions of guideline 1 ("Adults with disabilities live their sexuality in a self-determined way and are accompanied in a needs-oriented, age- and development-oriented manner. They are experts for all aspects of their sexuality") were formulated as a pre-structuring aid for the guidelines/themes to be worked on. In addition, a subdivision of the reflection questions into specific topics should facilitate the processing of institutionally relevant topics. A working version of the reflection manual based on these principles was tested in the first half of the second project year in seven residential institutions in the Southern Palatinate (period: mid-February - end of June 2016). In the context of group discussions in group sizes varying between three and ten employees, the reflection questions on the individual guidelines were discussed in working groups, mostly heterogeneous in terms of profession and hierarchy. A total of 62 employees took part in the group discussions. The evaluation of the discussions was based on the following guiding questions:

  Does the instrument encourage team-internal discussion?
  Which factors favour or hinder the discussion?

The results of the various data were used to derive helpful insights for the adequate and target-oriented application of the instrument, which are included in the introductory information section of the manual in the form of recommendations for action. In addition to a great deal of qualitative feedback, which refers to both critical aspects and the potential of ReMaxS, there was a fundamentally positive assessment of the instrument by the participating experts from the institutions.

The results of the evaluation phase were dialogically validated by the research team and incorporated into a final version of the manual in the second half of the project period. In addition, a project planning sheet was drawn up, with the help of which the development ideas derived from the reflective discussion can be transferred into concrete project planning.

Reflection manual in light language (ReMaxS-L)

Based on the nine guidelines for sexual self-determination of people with disabilities in residential institutions in light language and the reflection manual in heavy language, subject areas were identified which are considered to be components of sexual self-determination. These were assigned to the guidelines, whereby a comparison was always made with the main topics of the manual in difficult language. The subject areas were translated into light language by experts in the sense of their elementarization. Since an initial evaluation with people with intellectual disabilities showed that the formulations in statement form were difficult to understand, all subject areas were formulated as questions that can be answered with yes or no. In addition to written language, various answer symbols were used as answer categories, which will be tested in different variations in the further evaluation phase.

In addition, a graphic designer developed pictograms for all guidelines as well as for the central themes of each guideline, which should increase the comprehensibility of the content.

Project Area Knowledge

Catholic University of Applied Sciences NRW, Münster Department, Prof. Dr. Barbara Ortland, Dorothea Kusber-Merkens, Andreas Nitsche

Focus: Development of training materials

On the basis of empirical studies (especially Ortland, 2016 and Fegert, 2006) and practical experience, five comprehensive training modules, including the naming of target areas and exemplary training contents that are considered fundamental for the qualification of employees for the realization of sexual self-determination in housing facilities, were developed, discussed with representatives from practice and revised.

As the project progressed, it became clear that the enormous heterogeneity of employees in residential facilities required a two-track approach in the "Knowledge" area, so that now

a) developing a handbook for the personal and team-related development of the employees in the residential groups by providing material that is as low-threshold as possible, and

b) in a step based on this, multiplier training courses are developed for employees who want to conceptually advance the topic of sexual self-determination in the facilities.

In the second year of the project, the focus was on the further development, testing and revision of the training material for the personal and team-related development of employees in the residential groups.

By September 2016, a comprehensive training manual in the test version (approx. 500 pages) was submitted, which contained materials on the following contents, mainly for modules 1-3:

Speaking about sexuality
Reflection of values and standards
Perception of disability
Professional order
Relationships, partnership, sexuality
Development of gender identity/sexual diversity
On the basis of "reading books in simple language", caricatures, (autobiographical) texts with suggestions for reflection, working aids and training drafts, various methodological-didactic materials were made available to the cooperating institutions. The materials developed for the further education of staff and residents or only residents were written in simple language and underlaid with selected (Metacom) symbols or pictures so that people without written language skills and/or who depend on AAC can also participate in the offers.

Parallel to the preparation of the training folder, selected materials were successively discussed in different settings with representatives of the practice or tested in training courses with men and women with disabilities at the Catholic University. Here, students of curative education were involved in planning, implementation and reflection.

In September 2016 the fifteen cooperating institutions were offered the following options for testing the materials:

a) Handing out and explanation of a training folder including feedback forms for a discussion about experiences with the materials at the beginning of 2017

b) Implementation of training courses for rather homogeneous training groups (employees or residents) or for rather heterogeneous training groups (employees and residents together) by the project team and their evaluation.

First findings from the evaluation of the questionnaires of the participating staff members of the further education courses as well as the evaluation of the interviews and feedback forms to the further education files result in a tendency to a positive evaluation with regard to the overall evaluation, the contents and the methodical procedure/the working materials as well as a multiple positive evaluation of the joint event for staff members and residents. On the basis of the first results of the testing of the further training courses and the further training manual, the consequences for the revision of materials have already become clear. These are already being taken into account in the development and revision of further material.

In 2017 the multiplier training course for ReWiKs-Lotsen/Lotsin was developed and tested. This is intended to enable conceptually responsible employees to apply sexual self-determination with the help of the ReWiKs overall materials in the context of organisational development. The training was tested in autumn with three training groups (57 participants in total). The evaluation of the trial is currently taking place.


Project area Skills

Protestant University of Applied Sciences Rhineland Westphalia-Lippe, Prof. Dr. Kathrin Römisch, Anneke Arlabosse, Carina Bössing

Focus: Development of practical manuals in difficult language for the employees and in easy language for the residents

The aim of the manuals is to formulate recommendations for action on the content of the guidelines for successful self-determined sexuality. For this purpose, examples of good practice as well as already existing practical knowledge are to be collected and brought into connection with findings from theory and research.

In order to research existing practical knowledge, a nationwide Internet search was first carried out for concrete projects and institutions that are or have been involved in the promotion of self-determined sexuality of disabled people in the broadest sense. The internet research initially covered a federal and then a state level. The search was conducted for projects and institutions at federal level (e.g. Aktion Mensch, federal ministries) and then at the level of the respective federal states (federal state, state capitals, independent cities, districts).

The search was followed by a selection of suitable projects. Central actors from the projects were interviewed.

In the second year of the project, the survey phase was completed in the form of qualitative guideline-based interviews.  The survey phase aimed at gathering practical experience and knowledge in order to develop the handbook - first in difficult and then in easy language. A total of 28 interviews were conducted with 34 people. Interviews were conducted with 19 employees and 15 residents or project participants from housing facilities, counselling centres and projects identified in the preceding nationwide Internet research. The interviews took place in six federal states (NRW, Bremen, Hamburg, Berlin, Bavaria and Hessen) and covered the contents of the guidelines. After the survey phase, all interviews were transcribed verbatim and then evaluated by content analysis.

A first version of the manual in heavy language is available. In cooperation with staff from practice institutions, the handbook was evaluated in the practice field. For this purpose, all employees of the cooperating institutions had the opportunity to provide feedback on the handbook by means of a questionnaire. In addition, three group discussions were held with employees. The handbook will be revised on the basis of the results of the evaluation process.

Furthermore, a comprehensive material research and analysis was carried out. This served to identify existing sex education materials in both easy and difficult language. The material found in cooperation with Münster was checked for usability in the handbook and assigned to the individual sections thematically. The material represents a supplement to the manual in terms of content, which is intended to support the practical implementation of the ideas for change for the expansion of sexual self-determination as presented in the manual. The analysis - especially of the material in light language - also served to prepare the preparation of the handbook in light language. This is now also available and is currently being tested in practice.



At the end of the project, the following materials will be published and available through the BZgA:

ReMaxS in heavy language
ReMaxS -L in easy speech
Training material for employees and residents
Practical manual in heavy language
Practical manual in easy language


Boban, I.; Hinz, A. (2003): Index for inclusion. Developing learning and participation in a school of diversity. Halle-Wittenberg

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (ed.) (2012): Lebenssituation und Belastungen von Frauen mit Beeinträchtigungen und Behinderungen in Deutschland. Executive summary. Meckenheim

Fegert, J.M./Jeschke, K./Thomas, H./Lehmkuhl, U. (2006): Sexual self-determination and sexual violence. A model project in residential institutions for young people with intellectual disabilities. Weinheim, Munich: Juventa.

Jennessen, S. (2014): QuinK - Quality Index for Child and Youth Hospice Work. In: Bundes-Hospiz-Anzeiger 1, Jg 12, 13-23

Jennessen, S. Hurth, S. (2014): The Quality Index for Child and Youth Hospice Work. Hospice Publishing House: Gütersloh

Ortland, B. (2013): Sex education/andragogical concepts for housing facilities for adults with disabilities - experiences, needs and support requirements from the perspective of the employees. Unpublished research report Katholische Hochschule Münster

Ortland, B. (2015): Sexual diversity as a challenge. Current results of the survey of employees in residential institutions of the integration assistance. In: Participation Vol. 54, Issue 1, 10-17

Ortland, B. (2016): Sexual Self-Determination of People with Disabilities. Basics and concepts for integration assistance. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer

Status: November 2017

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