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FORUM 1–2019

PROJEKTSKIZZEN: Gutes Aufwachsen mit Medien zwischen Schutz, Befähigung und Teilhabe

Anforderungen an einen zeitgemäßen Jugendmedienschutz

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Anna Grebe

Initiativbüro »Gutes Aufwachsen mit Medien«
c/o Stiftung Digitale Chancen
Chausseestraße 15
10115 Berlin



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FORUM 1–2019

Social Media

Social media have become fixed components of the everyday life of modern adolescents. On average, they daily spend some 3.5 hours online, a third of which is used to communicate with others. Social media applications such as WhatsApp, Instagram, and Snapchat play a central role in these activities. These results of the newest JIM Study, which is described in the Introduction to this issue of FORUM, form the basis for many of the subsequent contributions.

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