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Cover of Brochure trau dich National initiative

Initiative to prevent sexual abuse of children: ‘Trau dich!’ Evaluation of results


Initiative to prevent sexual abuse of children: ‘Trau dich!’ Evaluation of results

As part of the evaluation of the results, checking the efficacy…

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Initiative to prevent sexual abuse of children: ‘Trau dich!’ Evaluation of results

As part of the evaluation of the results, checking the efficacy of the ‘Trau dich!’ initiative for the target groups children, parents and teachers was a central goal. The play, the parents’ evening, the teacher-training sessions and the classroom materials to prepare for the play and discuss it afterwards were all evaluated.

Topic of investigation
The efficacy or the success of the individual pillars of the initiative (play, educational debrief, training sessions, parents’ evening) among the various target groups.

Publication in BZgA shop

Evaluation of the theatrical play (DIN A4 (21,2 x 29,7 cm), 28 pages) , published 2017

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Project management:
Henry Puhe

Lena Knappert

Issuing institution

Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA)
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