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Initiative to prevent sexual abuse of children: ‘Trau dich!’

The nationwide initiative to prevent sexual abuse of children combines a number of measures to combat sexual abuse under the umbrella term ‘Trau…


Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA)

The nationwide initiative to prevent sexual abuse of children combines a number of measures to combat sexual abuse under the umbrella term ‘Trau dich!’. The initiative is part of the Action Plan 2011 issued by the Government to protect children against sexual violence and exploitation.

The recommendations of the round table ‘Sexueller Kindesmissbrauch’ (‘Sexual Abuse of Children’; www.rundtisch-kindesmissbrauch.de) and the office of the Independent Commissioner for Matters Relating to the Sexual Abuse of Children (Unabhängiger Beauftragter für Fragen des sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs) were integrated into the concept. The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) and the Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA) are jointly responsible for the conception and execution of the initiative; the ministry will implement it in close co-operation with the states and expert institutions working to combat sexual abuse. To this end it is working closely with the children’s and youth hotline ‘Nummer gegen Kummer’.

The central goal of this initiative is to protect children from sexual abuse. The intention is for children to be educated about their rights and to be encouraged to turn to a person they trust. Further, the hope is that parents and experts will be informed and their confidence to act increased.

The initiative’s target groups are children of primary school age and those transitioning into puberty (8–12 years old), along with parents and experts, particularly those in schools.

The implementation of the initiative in the states will take place in close co-operation with the relevant state ministries and authorities. The co-operation with the ministries, bodies and initiatives working to combat sexual abuse is a central pillar of this concept. Implementing the initiative will take place in close consensus with those working on the scene. A network like this will contribute to making this support system better known.

Central Pillars of the Initiative

  •  Local events with an interactive play at the centre: the theatre company Kopfstand, with the support of specialized expert bodies, has developed an interactive play for children between the ages of 8 and 12 entitled ‘Trau dich! Ein starkes Stück über Gefühle, Grenzen und Vertrauen’ (‘Be brave! A powerful play about feelings, boundaries and trust’). Accompanying the play, the initiative and its partners will offer materials and training opportunities for schools and preparatory parents’ evenings, while the advice centres will present their services. In advance, co-ordinating events will everyone involved will assist with consensus and linking up locally, while a systematic media campaign will work to sensitize the public.
  • Online Platform for Children: the website www.trau-dich.de will inform children in a child-appropriate manner about the topics of children’s rights and sexual abuse. This online platform will also provide children looking for further help with advice services via email and telephone; the helpline for children and young people ‘Nummer gegen Kummer’ allows them to get direct advice over the phone.

Media and training opportunities: brochures for girls and boys provide information about topics such as children’s rights, sexual harassment, violence, and about where and how to get help. An advice manual has been designed for parents filled with practical tips on how they can protect and empower their children. Material for experts contains information about preventive strategies and project ideas, methods and media for use in schools. The initiative, along with the advice centres, will offer parents’ evenings and training events for teachers in the run-up to the play.

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