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FORUM 1–2019

Social Media

Cover of Brochure FORUM Social Media
Social media have become fixed components of the everyday life of modern adolescents. On average, they daily spend some 3.5 hours online, a third of which is used to communicate with others. Social media applications such as WhatsApp, Instagram, and Snapchat play a central role in these activities. These results of the newest JIM Study, which is described in the Introduction to this issue of FORUM, form the basis for many of the subsequent contributions.
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FORUM Sexualaufklärung und Familienplanung, Heft 1-2019: Social Media:
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Social media have become fixed components of the everyday life of modern adolescents. On average, they daily spend some 3.5 hours online, a third of which is used to communicate with others. Social media applications such as WhatsApp, Instagram, and Snapchat play a central role in these activities. These results of the newest JIM Study, which is described in the Introduction to this issue of FORUM, form the basis for many of the subsequent contributions.

The SINUS Institute questioned 14- to 24-year-olds concerning their opinions and attitudes regarding the internet and social media, and then prepared an analysis of the user types. Nicola Döring looks at the central question of what contents for sexuality education adolescents discover in their search for answers to their sexuality concerns. She concludes that professional institutions of sexuality education must step up to the task and become more visible in offering professional social-media strategies.
The video portal YouTube is extremely popular among adolescents. Elizabeth Prommer and her team examined gender relations on YouTube channels and examined the themes men and women present there.
Their conclusion: astonishingly traditional female roles. In her contribution, Verena Vogelsang scrutinizes how adolescents
approach sexting and the phenomenon of victim blaming. Mirjam Tomse reports on the BZgA website www.loveline.de - the contents made available there, how they are used, and the questions adolescents are most interested in.
Christiane Eichenberg studies the relevance of the TV series Germany’s Next Topmodel and the so-called pro-ana forums. She asks
to what extent modern body images and the phenomenon of anorexia nervosa are being influenced by such programs.
These comprehensive contributions are followed by some short project sketches, among others, the research project “Human,” the EU project “klicksafe,” the initiative “Stoppt Sharegewalt” (Stop Sharing Violence) from the group “Innocence in Danger,” the “pia” format from pro familia as well as a report on.

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FORUM Sexualaufklärung und Familienplanung, Heft 1-2019: Social Media, englische Version

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FORUM Sexualaufklärung und Familienplanung, Heft 1-2019: Social Media:
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