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Cover of Brochure FORUM Research
FORUM 1–2023


This issue of FORUM presents 13 current research projects and 7 project outlines in the field of sexual and reproductive health and sexual rights. All 20 contributions can be accessed and downloaded individually under ‘Articles in the publication’.
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The results of the Family Demographic Panel FReDA of the Bundesinstituts für Bevölkerungsforschung (BiB; Federal Institute for Population Research): In 2021, around 30,000 respondents to the representative study provided information about, among other things, partnership, parenthood, gender roles and stress during the Corona pandemic.

Next up are the results of the parents’ survey within the framework of the Youth Sexuality Study of the German Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA; Federal Centre for Health Education). Whether and how parents advise their children on contraception and what their attitude is toward sexual contact among minors is particularly interesting in the long term.

An article on family planning in Germany follows. Based on some 19,000 surveys, the representative study “women´s lives 3” paints a detailed picture of women’s reproductive lives in Germany. Unwanted pregnancies are the focus of the article by Tilmann Knittel and Laura Olejniczak.

An article by the Wissenschaftszentrums Berlin (WZB; Science Centre Berlin) focusses on the design of a new database that makes it possible to compare the reproductive policies of 31 countries and evaluate them according to categories. The researchers ask about typical patterns in the regulation of reproduction in wealthy countries and what follows from them.

ANSER is a research platform that promotes communication between academic research teams and political decision-makers in the field of sexual and reproductive rights, which also has an international focus. This is a project of Ghent University, reported by Emilie Peeters.

Online media are of great importance in the field of sexual education, as are questions about pregnancy termination. Nicola Döring investigates who is particularly influential on YouTube and TikTok, what messages are being sent and how the audience comments.

KisS is an online programme for the prevention of sexual aggression among young adults. Barbara Krahé and her team outline its design and its success.

Three so-called “Speak” studies conducted at different types of schools provide information on the frequency of sexualised violence experiences during adolescence, on the places where such violence takes place and on the perpetrators. Do LGBTIQ* persons living in Germany have a particular health burden? How does this target group assess their health and psychological well-being? Those are the subjects of an online survey conducted by Stefan Timmermanns and Heino Stöver.

Maika Böhm and Johanna Walsch present further results of a partial survey from the research project BeSPa, which revolves around the experiences of clients who received pregnancy advice on §219 via video or telephone.

From Switzerland, Daniel Kunz and Nikola Koschmieder report on the importance of sexual rights in family and school sexuality education. Alexandra Klein and Jann Schweitzer address sexuality education in schools from the pupils’ point of view in their interview study WiSex. Milena Wegelin presents the research project REFPER regarding the views of refugee women on family planning and contraception in Swiss asylum centres.

You will also find a brief outline of seven other research projects in the “Project Outlines“ section.

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FORUM 1-2023 Research , published 2024

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Issuing institution

Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA)

The presented new panel study "FReDA" (The German family demography panel study) provides a large representative data…
This article focuses on the results of the parent survey, which were part of the Youth Sexuality Study conducted by…
As part of the "women's lives 3" study, over 19,000 women across Germany have been surveyed over the past ten years.…
This article presents a new database to map governmental measures regulating reproduction among 31 countries from…
Anyone seeking information about pregnancy termination can find numerous posts on social-media platforms these days.…
Given the high prevalence of sexual aggression, we need effective prevention approaches. The evidence-based online…
This article describes the prevalence of sexualised violence. It is based on surveys of the experiences of…
An online survey under the title “Wie geht’s euch?” (WGE; How are you doing?) was conducted from 2018 to 2019 to…
The digitalisation of the German pregnancy (conflict) advice centres associated with the COVID-19 pandemic also led…
Sexuality education in Swiss schools is a contentious issue between sexual health professionals and…
Statistical analyses, particularly the representative surveys on Youth Sexuality conducted by the Federal Centre for…
In Switzerland, women refugee’s access to contraception is strongly influenced by their legal status. Unsecure…
Online information on abortion, menstruation and the first time has not yet been systematically analysed in…
The research project commissioned by the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) is investigating how sex…
Cancers caused by human papillomaviruses (HPV) are avoidable – the HPV vaccination offers prevention. However, the…
The "Erasmus+" project aims to motivate European countries to ensure the promotion of sexuality education for young…
The "Safe Clubs" project aims to initiate and permanently establish measures against sexualised violence in sports…
Conversion therapies are the subject of a research project funded by the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA).…
The survey "Life situation, safety and stress in everyday life (LeSuBiA)" aims to analyse the unreported incidents of…

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