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FORUM 2–2008



10.5% of the total number of applications for parental allowance that were approved in 2007, which amounted to 571,000, were made by fathers, which…

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FORUM Sexualaufklärung und Familienplanung, Heft 2-2008: Väter:

10.5% of the total number of applications for parental allowance that were approved in 2007, which amounted to 571,000, were made by fathers, which represents a dramatic increase compared to the average number of fathers that claimed parental allowance in the previous years, which lay at around 3.5%.

According to a ver.di study which was presented just in time for Father’s Day, fathers claiming parental allowance are neither employees or senior managers, but rather average men going on parental leave, often motivated by their wives who are striving to achieve a new lifestyle.They are supported in this by initiatives run by the German Federal Government: the first contribution featured in this booklet explains what is behind the main focus of action “Rollenbilder erweitern - neue Perspektiven für Männer” [“Expanding role models - new perspectives for men”] of the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, and why, in connection with the compatibility of family life and work, there is talk of a “40/80 disaster”.

Fathers in everyday family life: Andreas Lange and Claudia Zerle from the German Youth Institute, Munich, present the findings of a study on the role of men and their attitudes and behaviour towards family and gainful employment. Still unthinkable 30 years ago: 90% of all fathers in Germany are present at the birth of their children.

Fathers in the delivery room: has this model proven its worth simply because it has become the norm inrecent years or are there also negative experiences which call for a critical examination of this new cultural practice? Petra Otto follows up this question.

Jutta Franz from pro familia analyses the role of the male partner inpregnancy conflict counselling and the significance of the gender of the counsellor.

Every child needs a father, says Rainer Neutzling, before going on to outline the various types of father with which single mothers could befaced. He describes how important it is when partners separate for them to “remain parents” for the well being of their children, despite their “raging emotions”.

More and more immigrants wish to be active fathers, according to Michael Tunç, in his contribution about fathers from second generationTurkish immigrant backgrounds. Besides ethnocultural factors, socio-structural circumstances, to which a greater amount of research should be dedicated, are also responsible for our adherence to traditional malevalues. Ilona Renner presents the results of an evaluation of the booklet “I want to be part of it! Becoming a father” written by the BZgA.

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FORUM Sex Education and Family Planning: Fathers , published 2008

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FORUM Sexualaufklärung und Familienplanung, Heft 2-2008: Väter:

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Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA)

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