Contraceptive behaviour of adults and adolescents 2024
BZgA representative survey - young people in focus
- Research results
- Research project
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Use of contraceptive
Safety and reliability are by far the most important reasons for choosing a contraceptive.
Nine out of ten young people (87 %) aged 16 to 25 use contraception. Condoms are the number one contraceptive, used by 67 percent. The contraceptive pill is used by less than half of respondents (46 %).
Most common reasons for not using contraception
- Financial reasons
- Currently no sexual intercourse
- Not being able to have children
For 63 percent of young people using contraception, the safety and reliability of a contraceptive method is most important. For 32 percent, ease of use is the most relevant factor.
Protection against sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) plays an important role for 16 percent. To be well tolerated by the body is also crucial to young women when choosing a contraceptive (33 %).
The situation is similar when it comes to the importance of cost in the choice of contraceptive method: it is twice as important a factor for sexually active young women as it is for young men.
Attitudes towards hormonal contraception
Hormonal contraception is viewed critically. Nevertheless, the pill is still one of the most commonly used contraceptives among young people.
Almost two thirds of sexually active adolescents and young adults fear a “negative impact on mind and body”. Half of respondents doubt that contraception with hormones “for years is harmless”. Almost as many question the “suitability of these products for very young girls”. Young women in particular express reservations about hormonal contraceptives.
Contraceptive method used: information behaviour
Young people feel well informed.
Almost all of the 16- to 25-year-old respondents consider themselves to be “very well” or “well” informed about the contraceptive method they use (93 %). The internet is the most important source of information for 51 percent of young men. Among young women, the majority (71 %) rely on the gynaecological advice. For 43 percent of women, the internet is also a relevant source of information.
Use of the morning-after pill
All respondents were aware of the possibility of emergency contraception using the morning-after pill.
However, only 28 percent of sexually active adolescents and young adults in Germany have used the morning-after pill. Of these, 50 percent have taken it once and 26 percent twice.