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<li>face-to-face surveys all over Germany</li>
<li>quota method (by age, gender, and among the German young people also by education)</li>
<l i>combined oral and written questionnaires. The survey was split into a pers onal, oral section conducted by an interviewer, as well as a written questio nnaire that addressed more intimate questions. This was filled in by the you ng people themselves.</li>
<li>Parent interviews were conducted orally wit h the exception of only a few questions.</li>
' (510 chars)
wcoResearchTopicFieldPhase => public'' (0 chars)
wcoResearchTopicTargetGroup => public'<p>Girls and boys with German citizenship aged between 14 and 17, as well as their parents</p>
<p>Young adults between the ages of 18 and 25</p>
' (149 chars)
wcoResearchTopicSample => public'<p>A total of 5,750 interviews, distributed over the following groups:<br />
<br />
<strong>Size of the supplementary sample</strong></p>
<l i>Girls with foreign citizenship n = 357</li>
<li>Boys with foreign citizenship n = 375</li>
<li>A sample of “young people with a migrant background” was defined and evaluated. This sample c onsisted of: girls and boys with foreign citizenship (supplementary sample)<
<p><br />
<strong>Size of the main sample</strong></p>
<l i>Girls with German citizenship n = 1,456, parent interviews for this group: n = 1,190</li>
<li>Boys with German citizenship n = 1,354, parent intervi ews for this group: n = 942</li>
<li>Evaluation of the main sample, “Ger man young people”, is based on girls and boys with German citizenship, reg ardless of a possible migrant background as a result of the parents’ origi n, since this corresponds to the definition of the earlier surveys. </l i>
' (1151 chars)
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Angelika Heßling<br />
Heidrun Bode</p>
' (73 chars)
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title => protected'Youth sexuality 2015: repeat survey - the outlook of the 14 to 25-year-olds and their parents' (93 chars)
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bodytext => protected'<p>The BZgA has been analysing the attitudes and behaviour of young people r egarding sex education, sexuality and contraception since 1980. Youth sexual ity 2014/15 is the eighth study in this ongoing series.<br />
<br />
The g oal of the survey was to obtain empirical data, which, because of the repres entative nature of the samples, would allow reliable statements to be made a bout the attitudes and behaviours of young people in the Federal Republic of Germany, and – for young people of German background – of their parents , with regard to sexuality education.<br />
<br />
The current study follo ws on from previous studies with the express goal of revealing trends among young people. However, it does more than just continue to describe trends: i t also differs with respect to its altered sample. This was the first time t hat young adults between the ages of 18 and 25 were included in the study. T he extension of the age span allows the BZgA to pursue the developments as t he subjects transition from being minors to young adults; there is no resili ent data on this age group in the previous studies. The report at hand prese nts the results from the survey of 14–25-year-olds. It summarizes the most important results of the survey; the data is presented both in text form an d diagrammatically.</p>
' (1317 chars)
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