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wcoResearchTopicMethod => public'<p>Interviews underpinned by a set of guidelines about experiences with sexu
ality, relationships, contraception, the desire to have children, pornograph
y, and the internet.</p>
' (178 chars)
wcoResearchTopicFieldPhase => public'' (0 chars)
wcoResearchTopicTargetGroup => public'<p>19–25-year-old male and female students</p>
' (50 chars)
wcoResearchTopicSample => public'<p>100 male and female students</p>
' (37 chars)
wcoResearchTopicResults => public'' (0 chars)
wcoResearchTopicDuration => public'' (0 chars)
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wcoResearchProjectEnd => publicDateTimeprototypeobject (2014-07-31T02:00:00+02:00, 1406764800)
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wcoResearchTopicInstitute => public1 (integer)
wcoResearchTopicCooperation => public0 (integer)
wcoResearchSubtitle => protected'Sexual and social relationships among 19–25-year-old male and female stude
nts' (79 chars)
wcoResearchBibliographyList => protected'' (0 chars)
wcoResearchTopicCitationLink => protected'' (0 chars)
wcoResearchAuthorFreetext => protected'<h4>Project management</h4>
<p>Silja Matthiesen</p>
<h4>Project member
<p>Gesine Plagge<br />
Philipp Franz<br />
Maike Böhm<br />
' (162 chars)
wcoResearchRooftitle => protected'Study' (5 chars)
wcoResearchTopicAuthor => public0 (integer)
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txWconewsfilterCategorySelection => protected (empty)
crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-05-18T11:35:56+02:00, 1652866556)
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title => protected'Sexuality among Students in the Internet Age' (44 chars)
alternativeTitle => protected'' (0 chars)
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bodytext => protected'<p>The sexual and relationship behaviour of young, academically educated men
and women is the focal point of the current study. Commissioned by the BZgA
, the Institut für Sexualforschung und Forensische Psyiatrie at the Univers
ity Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf is examining the reproductive behaviour as well
as the effects of the ‘new media’ on the sexual socialization of young,
highly educated adults.<br />
<br />
The dominant pattern regarding the o
rganization of steady relationships among young adults is that of serial mon
ogamy. It is sexuality, emotional ties, intimacy, communication and experien
tial quality, not institutions, formal responsibilities or material dependen
ce, that hold relationships among students together. The goal of this qualit
ative interview study is to obtain well-founded data about how students soci
ally organize sexuality and relationships and what value beliefs and expecta
tions they have with regard to sexual relationships.<br />
<br />
<br />
One focal point of the study is reproductive behaviour. The group of student
s is on the one hand a group that is sexually particularly active, on the ot
her hand the desire to have children and family planning are often still def
erred because of the long duration of their education. For this reason safe
contraception is a particularly important subject for this age group. The in
terviews are to explore how students organize contraception in and out of st
eady relationships, what experiences this group has with the desire to have
children, contraceptive failures and the worry of unplanned pregnancies and
what ideas and desires regarding the reconcilability of work and family shap
e the life planning of these future academics.<br />
<br />
<br />
A seco
nd focus lies on sex-related internet use. This use now plays a significant
role among young adults of all educational backgrounds and opens up new dime
nsions of dealing with sexual arousal, fantasies and communication in and ou
t of steady relationship...' (2301 chars)
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