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<p>Quantitative survey<br />
4,002 women betw een the ages of 20 and 44, with data about 4,794 pregnancies<br />
random s ample from the phone books in Baden-Württemberg, Berlin, Lower Saxony and S axony; 1,000 women per state<br />
telephone survey with a standardized que stionnaire<br />
<br />
The standardized questionnaire asks questions abou t all past pregnancies and seeks to find out whether they were wanted or not . It also asks about the women’s relationship and work status as well as t heir financial situation at the time the pregnancy occurred. This can be rel ated to the women’s personal background, their biography as well as their attitudes. There were in-depth questions about unintended pregnancies – bo th those that were carried to term and those that were terminated. The regio nal differences of the four survey areas were taken into account during the evaluation.<br />
Qualitative survey<br />
97 one-on-one interviews with w omen who had had at least one unintended pregnancy and either carried it to term or terminated it<br />
Contrastive sample formed from the sample from the quantitative survey<br />
Partially narrative, biographical guided inte rviews. The respective information provided in the standardized and qualitat ive survey sections can be related.<br />
In the qualitative one-on-one int erviews the participating women were able to express their subjective viewpo ints. Learning about their ideas on family planning and on shaping their lif e phases with and without children allows us to develop a deeper understandi ng of the statistical results obtained in the quantitative survey.<br />
<b r />
Interviews with family-planning experts 26 interviews with employees o f advice centres with different focuses and funding bodies in the four state s.</p>
' (1832 chars)
wcoResearchTopicFieldPhase => public'' (0 chars)
wcoResearchTopicTargetGroup => public'' (0 chars)
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wcoResearchAuthorFreetext => protected'<p>Team:</p>
<p>Yvonne Heine<br />
Heike Klindworth<br />
Rainer Wagner <br />
Ines Wlosnewski<br />
Judith Eckert<br />
Annemarie Graf<br />
Ch ristine Staub<br />
Stefanie Oyoyo<br />
Jennifer Wägerle<br />
</ p>
' (232 chars)
wcoResearchRooftitle => protected'Study' (5 chars)
wcoResearchTopicAuthor => public0 (integer)
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txWconewsfilterCategorySelection => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty)crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-05-18T11:35:56+02:00, 1652866556)tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2024-03-07T21:34:05+01:00, 1709843645)sysLanguageUid => protected1 (integer)
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title => protected'women’s lives 3 – Family planning in women’s lives - unintended pregna ncies and pregnancy conflicts' (105 chars)
alternativeTitle => protected'' (0 chars)
teaser => protected'' (0 chars)
bodytext => protected'<p>As part of its series of studies about women’s and men’s family plann ing, the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) has commissioned, as ano ther milestone, the comprehensive study ‘women’s lives 3 – family plan ning in women’s lives’. Its focal point is unintended pregnancies and pr egnancy conflicts. Following the investigation of unintended pregnancies and pregnancy terminations among minors, this study surveyed 4,002 women betwee n the ages of 20 and 44 by way of a questionnaire; 97 women gave a qualitati ve interview.<br />
<br />
Around one third of all pregnancies in the wome n’s lives were not planned at the time they occurred. For some of these pr egnancies there was a desire for children, but the pregnancy occurred earlie r than desired. Others did not want a child. Even though pregnancies at the wrong (too early) time or without a desire for children are by no means rare , there are, in Germany, hardly any current scientific insights into the con tributing factors, such as the role of inadequate contraception. There is al so not much information about the motivations behind carrying an unintended pregnancy to term or terminating it.<br />
<br />
The Statistisches Bundes amt (Federal Statistics Office) can provide reliable data about the developm ent of absolute figures and rates of pregnancy terminations, based on the da ta from the local registers of inhabitants. The goal of the population surve y ‘women’s lives 3’ is not, therefore, to obtain statements about the general prevalence of terminations, especially since we must assume that a c ertain percentage of terminations would not be mentioned by the participants in such a survey.<br />
<br />
Instead, the goal of the study is to obtai n insights into the following:</p>
<li>in what phases of life and in what living conditions and in what situational conditions children are un desired;</li>
<li>what women think about ‘the right time in life to have a child’ and the appr...' (4360 chars)
datetime => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2011-07-01T02:00:00+02:00, 1309478400)archive => protectedNULL
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Standardized telephone survey;</p>
<ul class= "ul-basis">
<li class="li-basis">Instrument/execution: standardized questi onnaire, telephone interviews</li>
<ul class="ul-basis">
<li cla ss="li-basis">Questionnaire content: reproductive resume with childhood and sexual socialization, relationships, contraception, pregnancies, children an d terminations: “milestones”, phase successions, attitude questions, soc ial and family indicators</li>
<ul class="ul-basis">
<li class=" li-basis">Evaluation with statistics programs: SAS/SPSS</li>
<p><b r />
Second survey step<br />
Qualitative-biographical survey;</p>
<ul class="ul-basis">
<li class="li-basis">Instrument/execution: theme-based i nterviews face-to-face, audio recordings, transcription</li>
<ul c lass="ul-basis">
<li class="li-basis">Interview content: biographical narr ative starting in childhood covering the aspects of family/relationships, co ntraception, pregnancies, fertility problems, sexuality, occupation, attitud e questions</li>
<ul class="ul-basis">
<li class="li-basis">Eval uation: a) biography-oriented: hermeneutical, b) topic-oriented: content-ana lytical</li>
' (1237 chars)
wcoResearchTopicFieldPhase => public'' (0 chars)
wcoResearchTopicTargetGroup => public'<p>Women (German nationals only) between the ages of 20 and 44 from three su rvey regions (Freiburg, Hamburg, Leipzig, each time urban and rural)</p>
<h2 class="subheadline"> </h2>
' (189 chars)
wcoResearchTopicSample => public'<p>Telephone survey: n = 1,468, random selection sample from a register of r esidents;</p>
<p>Face-to-face-interviews: n = 101, contrasting sample com position from those interviewed by telephone in Freiburg and Leipzig</p>
' (226 chars)
wcoResearchTopicResults => public'' (0 chars)
wcoResearchTopicDuration => public'1998' (4 chars)
wcoResearchTopicDurationEnd => public'1999' (4 chars)
wcoResearchTopicProjectResult => public0 (integer)
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wcoResearchAuthorFreetext => protected'<p>Project management:<br />
Cornelia Helfferich</p>
<p>Team members:<br />
Emily Engelhardt<br />
Alexandra Heneka<br />
Elke Lorenz</p>
' (146 chars)
wcoResearchRooftitle => protected'Study' (5 chars)
wcoResearchTopicAuthor => public0 (integer)
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bodytext => protected'<p>How do women shape and evaluate their lives today and what role does fami ly planning play in their lives? These questions are the focus of this inves tigation on women’s reproductive life stories. More than 1,400 women betwe en the ages of 20 and 44 were surveyed between 1998 and 1999.</p>
<h3>“ Family planning is more than just contraception”</h3>
<p>The research d esign assumes a comprehensive definition of family planning in terms of life planning. This covers aspects such as relationships, sexuality and unwanted childlessness as well as how planned and unplanned pregnancies are dealt wi th, pregnancy terminations, births and experiences with parenthood.<br />
< br />
The high goal of capturing both the subjective and retrospective pers pective of women as well as socio-spatial and milieu-specific differences re quires the collaboration of family-sociological and demographical perspectiv es. In addition the study incorporates psychological and cultural scientific insights. With this comprehensive research approach the study closes a gap, because previous investigations dealt almost exclusively with the medical s ide of the phenomenon of family planning.</p>
' (1187 chars)
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n = 842 women with a Turkish migrant background<br />
n = 832 women with an eastern European migrant background<br />
n = 839 women without a migra nt background<br />
Random sample from the registers of the local resident- registration offices, telephone surveys, standardized questionnaires, use of Turkish-speaking interviewers and, in Nuremberg and Berlin, use of Russian- speaking interviewers too<br />
<br />
<strong>Qualitative survey</strong> 45 one-on-one interviews, 18 group discussions with women, particularly tho se with Turkish and eastern European migrant backgrounds, ten interviews wit h experts</p>
' (699 chars)
wcoResearchTopicFieldPhase => public'' (0 chars)
wcoResearchTopicTargetGroup => public'<p>20–44-year-old women with a Turkish, eastern or southeast European, or Italian migrant background</p>
' (108 chars)
wcoResearchTopicSample => public'' (0 chars)
wcoResearchTopicResults => public'' (0 chars)
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wcoResearchBibliographyList => protected'' (0 chars)
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wcoResearchAuthorFreetext => protected'<p>Project management:<br />
Wolfgang Eßbach</p>
<p>Team members:<br />
Heike Klindworth<br />
Jan Kruse</p>
' (117 chars)
wcoResearchRooftitle => protected'Study' (5 chars)
wcoResearchTopicAuthor => public0 (integer)
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txWconewsfilterCategorySelection => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty)crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2022-05-18T11:35:56+02:00, 1652866556)tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2023-10-25T15:41:15+02:00, 1698241275)sysLanguageUid => protected1 (integer)
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title => protected'women's lives 2: Family planning and migration in women’s lives' (65 chars)
alternativeTitle => protected'' (0 chars)
teaser => protected'' (0 chars)
bodytext => protected'<p>18 % of the female population in Germany have a migrant background. More than one fifth of these women are aged between 20 and 44 and thus at an age when family planning and family formation are current issues. Since there is little in the way of fundamental knowledge regarding family formation, cont raception and pregnancy termination in this (by place of origin) heterogeneo us group, the BZgA commissioned the study “women’s lives: family plannin g and migration in women’s lives”. In the context of this research proje ct 1,674 women with a migrant background and 839 German women aged between 2 0 and 44 were surveyed. The examination focused on the two largest migrant g roups, i.e. women with a Turkish migrant background and women with an easter n European migrant background. The surveys were conducted in the cities of B erlin, Stuttgart, Nuremberg and Oberhausen.</p>
<p>The study picks up on the key points of the research approach of the study "women’s lives. famil y planning in women’s lives" (1998–2001): a comprehensive understanding of family planning as a private life choice, the inclusion of the biographic al perspective as well as the combination of a standardized telephone survey with a qualitative sub-study that allows for taking the women’s subjectiv e views into account. In the evaluation there was further differentiation wi thin the individual migrant groups (particularly by education and generation membership). The study thus does not (just) focus on cultural differences, it also gives significant weight to the social circumstances of migrants.<br />
<br />
A central result is that there are clear differences between th e groups regarding the dynamics of their reproductive biographies. These dif ferences have their origin, among other things, in their different migration profiles (significance of marital migration, ethnic-German immigration, imm igration “filter”). For women with a Turkish migrant background living i n Germany it can general...' (2638 chars)
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