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Legal information

© Federal Institute of Public Health (BIÖG)

Maarweg 149-161
50825 Köln
Tel.: 0221/8992-0
Fax: 0221/8992-300
E-Mail: Poststelle(at)bioeg.de

Administrativ director:
Dr. Julia Tief (leitung(at)bioeg.de)
Responsible for website:
Angelika Heßling (angelika.hessling(at)bioeg.de)
Data protection officer:
Volker Johann (datenschutzbeauftragter(at)bioeg.de)


I. Use of the Internet offering of the BIÖG

Use of the websites of the BIÖG is subject to the following General Terms of Use and the Supplementary Terms of Use applicable to individual offerings (e.g. subscriptions to RSS feeds; use of widgets). The user accepts the application of these terms.

II. Content of the online offerings of the BIÖG

1. The online offerings of the BIÖG include own and third-party content, as well as links to third-party providers. Insofar as users can themselves publish contributions of their own in the framework of individual offerings on the websites of the BIÖG, these contributions express the personal views of the respective users and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the BIÖG.

2. The BIÖG accepts no responsibility for the up-to-date nature, accuracy or completeness of the information provided by the BIÖG or third parties, or via links. All offers are subject to change without notice and without obligation. Liability claims against the BIÖG relating to direct or indirect losses or damages of a material or intangible nature, caused by the use or non-use of the presented or linked information, are fundamentally ruled out. Nor does said use establish any rights or obligations between theBIÖG and the user of the online offerings or third parties.

3. The BIÖG expressly reserves the right to modify, supplement and delete the offerings in part or in whole without prior notice, or to temporarily or permanently stop publication.

III. Links to other websites

1. The BIÖG is responsible according to the general laws for its own content made available for use. A distinction is to be made between this own content and cross-references (links) to the content made available by other providers. Links to other providers are indicated by graphics. The BIÖG is responsible for the content of these providers only if it has positive knowledge of said content (also meaning knowledge of unlawful or punishable content) and it is technically feasible and reasonable for the BIÖG to prevent its use.

2. Links are dynamic references. Although, when first creating the link, the BIÖG reviewed the third-party content to determine whether it triggers any potential civil or criminal responsibility, it is neither obliged nor in a position to permanently check the content to which it refers in its offering for any changes that could newly establish responsibility. Only if the BIÖG ascertains, or is notified by third parties, that a specific offering to which it has created a link triggers civil or criminal responsibility, will it remove the link to this offering, insofar as this is technically feasible and reasonable.

IV. Copyright and trademark rights

1. Third-party rights

a) The BIÖG endeavours, in all its publications, to observe the copyrights on the photographs, graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts used (referred to as "objects" below), to use objects created by the BIÖG itself, or to take recourse to royalty-free objects. All brands and trademarks mentioned within the Internet offering, and possibly protected by third parties, are subject without restriction to the provisions of the respectively valid trademark laws and the rights of possession of the respectively registered owners. The simple mention of the respective name may not in itself be construed as indicating that the name(s) used is/are not protected by rights held by third parties.

b) The responsibility for observing these rights lies with the user. The copyright on published objects created by the BIÖG itself remains solely with the creator of the object. Duplication or utilisation of such objects is not permitted without the consent of the creator or the BIÖG.

2. Own rights

The content of these websites is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. This applies to the entire website, its individual parts, graphics, layouts, logos, photographs, films, software, texts and other content. It is generally not permissible to make the website or parts thereof available on third-party websites and networks. Framing (display of this website in another frame) constitutes abuse of third-party content and is forbidden. Prior, written consent must be obtained for the reproduction of text and multimedia data (sound, images, programs, etc.).

V. Data protection

If the option of entering personal or business data (e-mail addresses, names, postal addresses, etc.) exists within the online offerings, the user enters these data on an expressly voluntary basis.
Please also read the Data Protection Declaration (Attention only in German), which contains information regarding the data stored for system-related reasons when you use the websites.

VI. Legal validity of this disclaimer

This disclaimer is to be considered as being part of the online offering that referred to this page by means of a link. If parts or individual formulations of these texts do not comply, no longer comply, or do not entirely comply with the valid legal situation, this shall not affect the content and validity of the remaining parts of the document.

VII. Applicable law

All legal relations between the user and the BIÖG are subject exclusively to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.

VIII. Escape clause

Should any of the above provisions be or become partly or wholly invalid, this shall not affect the remaining provisions. The invalid provision shall be replaced by a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the economic purpose of the invalid provision in a legally effective manner. The above ruling also applies, mutatis mutandis, in the event of gaps in the provisions.


I. Use of data

Users of the Internet offering of the BIÖG are herewith notified, in accordance with the valid German provisions on data protection, that the personal data (form of address, name, postal address, e-mail address, date of birth, personal photos, etc.) disclosed on an expressly voluntary basis in the framework of the Internet offerings will be stored in machine-readable form, processed and used solely for the purpose for which the user entered them, insofar as no consent to a different form of use was given.

II. Automatic data recording

The data stored for technical reasons include the following information communicated to us by your web browser:

  • Browser type and version
  • Operating system used
  • Website from which you visit us (Referrer URL)
  • Website you visit
  • Date and time of your access
  • Your Internet Protocol (IP) address.

These anonymous data are stored separately from any personal data you may enter and do not permit any conclusions to be drawn regarding a specific person. The information is analysed for statistical purposes to enable us to optimise our Internet presence and our offers. The data are deleted after analysis.

III. Forwarding of your personal data to third parties, exploitation

The offers on this website can largely be used without providing personal data. If the option of entering personal data (e-mail addresses, names, postal addresses) exists within the Internet offering, the user discloses these data on an expressly voluntary basis. Your personal data are forwarded to the BIÖG and stored there for internal purposes only.
If you place orders for the information materials offered, your personal data will be used within the BIÖG and by the organisations commissioned with shipping the materials. These data will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent. We have implemented technical and organisational measures designed to ensure that the regulations on data protection are observed by us and by the external service providers.
We herewith expressly object to the use of published contact data by third parties for the purpose of sending advertising and information materials not expressly requested. We expressly reserve the right to take legal action in the event of unsolicited sending of advertising information.

IV. Right to information

You have the right, at any time, to demand information regarding the data stored in respect of your person, their origin and recipients, and the purpose of storage.

V. Further information

Your trust is important to us. We will therefore be pleased to answer and questions you may have at any time regarding the processing of your personal data. If you have any questions that are not answered by this Data Protection Declaration (Attention only in German), or if you would like more detailed information on a particular point, feel free to contact us at any time.


Editing and community management

Kühn Medienkonzept & Design GmbH
Alte Brunnenstrasse 33, 53809 Ruppichterroth
Büro Köln: Hansaring 12
50670 Köln
Tel +49 160 248 70 45
Fax +49 2295 5807
E-Mail: forschung.sexualaufklaerung(at)kuehn-konzept.de

programming, design and technical support

Web Commerce GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Str. 12
Industriegebiet Elgersweier
77656 Offenburg
Tel.: 0781/6 05 72-60
Fax: 0781/6 05 72-16
E-Mail: team(at)w-commerce.de 
URL: https://w-commerce.de

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